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Dieties of Shri Radha Damodar Temple


Worshippable Deities of Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī manifested by Śrīla Rupa Gosvāmī

Shri Radha Damodar Temple Vrindavan (16).jpg

Śrī Jiva Gosvāmī's deity Rādhā-Dāmodara, directly manifest from the hands of Śrī Rupa Gosvāmī, is being worshipped within the parampara since 1542.
vrndavana ramya-sthana, seva-kunja tara nama sri-radha-damodara sthiti
tanhara carane mui, ekanta asraya lai krpa kari' kara mora gati
Vrndavana is a charming place, and situated there in the grove known as Seva-kunja is the sacred temple of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Dāmodara. I take the lotus feet of these Deities as my only shelter, and I petition them to be kind upon me and guide me to life's ultimate goal. (Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Mangalacarana of Gita-gana)
anga-syamalima-chatabhir abhito mandi-krtendivaram
jadyam jaguda-rocisam vidadhatam pattambarasya sriya
vrndaranya-vilasinam hrdi lasad-damabhir amodaram
radha-skandha-nivesitojjvala-bhujam dhyayema damodaram
"Let us meditate upon Śrī Dāmodara, whose dark bodily luster embarrasses the blue lotus fl owers, the splendour ofwhose silken garments stuns the glory of yellow kumkuma, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in the Vrndāvanaforest, whose chest is fragrant with a brilliant fl ower garland, and whose magnifi cent arm rests on Rādhā's shoulder."
(Śrī Rupa Gosvāmī, Stavamālā)


Worshippable Deities of Śrīla Jayadeva Gosvāmī

ŚRĪ RĀDHĀ-MĀDHAV JI Shri Radha Damodar Temple

e worshipable deities of Śrīla Jayadev Gosvāmī - the author of Śrī Gita Govindam Śrī Rādhā-Madhav ji deitieswere served by Śrī Jayadev Gosvāmī when he was in Bengal. Śrīla Jayadev Gosvāmī hailed from Kendubilva which issituated about twenty miles south of Siuri on the banks of the Ajay River. In the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Abhidhāna it isstated that Jayadeva Gosvāmī found his Rādhā Madhava deities in the Ajay river's waters. Th ese deities were broughtto Śrī Rādhā Dāmodar Temple approximately a century ago.


Worshippable deities of Śrīla Krishna Das Kavirāj Gosvāmī

ŚRĪ RĀDHĀ-VRINDAVANCHANDRA JI Shri Radha Damodar Temple Vrindavan

The worshipable deities of the author of Śrī Chaitanya Caritamrita, Śrīla Krishna Das Kaviraj Gosvāmī Śrī Rādhā-Vrindavanchandra were served by Śrīla Krishna Das Kaviraj at Rādhā-Vrindavanchandra ji temple situated betweenthe Rādhā-Dāmodar temple and Seva Kunj. By their desire, they were later brought to Śrī Śrī Rādhā-DāmodarTemple.


Worshippable Deities of Śrīla Bhūgarbha Gosvāmī


These deities were served by Śrīla Bhugarbha Gosvāmī who came to Vrindavan even before the six Gosvāmīs. He was instructed by Mahaprabhu himself to go and live in Śrī Dham Vrindavan. Śrīla Bhugarbha Gosvāmī received Śrī ŚrīRādhā Chailchikan Jiu in Vrindavan. Th ese deities are among a few who never moved out of Vrindavan. They were even in Vrindavan during the attack of Aurangzeb. Th e service to these deities was performed at Chailchikan Kunj,located right in front of Śrī Rādhā-Dāmodar. Around years back, to serve them properly, these deities were brought to Śrī Rādhā-Dāmodar Temple.

Shri Giriraj Shila

Worshippable Girirāj Charan Śilā of Śrīla Sanātan Gosvāmī

Shri Giriraj Shila Shri Radha Damodar Temple

Śrīpād Sanatan Gosvāmī used to live in Vrindavan near Śrī Rādhā Madanmohan Temple. Every day he would go toGovardhan hill from Vrindavan for Parikrama. He continued with this parikrama routine daily even throughout hisadvanced age. Seeing this, Śrī Krsna himself appeared before him and told him that he is happy with his devotion,asking Gosvāmīpād to stay at Vrindavan and serve Rādhā Krishna.
Srila Sanatan Goswami said that without coming to the Govardhan Hill, he feels pain and grief. Th en Sri Krishnagave him a Govardhan sila with His footprint, fl ute, stick, and cow's footprint that, when circumambulated fourtimes, bestows the benefi t of Govardhan Parikrama. Srila Sanatan Goswamipad brought this sila to Vrindavan and started to serve it. Aft er Srila Sanatan Goswami andSrila Jiva Goswamipad received this sila, they placed it at Sri Rādha-Dāmodar temple. Th is sila has been served inthis temple since then. Many devotees come to this temple to do parikrama every day with desires that are laterfulfi lled. During Kartik on the day following Diwali, Giriraj sila is brought out from the main altar (garbh graha) for darshan.This day is celebrated as Annakut Mahotsav and whoever takes prasadam on this day gets the blessings of Sri Rādha-Dāmodar and Giri Govardhan. Th akuji is off ered bhog here five times a day and arati is done seven times a day.

Shri Gaur Nitai

Installed by Śrīla Gorachand Goswami

Shri Gaur NItai Shri Radha Damodar Temple Vrindavan


Installed by Acharya Śrī Nirmal Chandra Gosvāmī

Shri Jagannath Ji SHri Radha Dadmodar Temple


8 am to 12 pm

5 pm to 8.30 pm


7 am to 12.30 pm

4 pm to 9.30 pm

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Postal Address

Shri Radha Damodar Mandir

Seva Kunj Near Loi Bazar,

Vrindavan - 281121

District - Mathura UP India

Acharya Shri Tarun Goswami - 9837642053

Acharya Shri Karun Goswami - 9639192986

Acharya Shri Krishna Balram Goswami - 9634795107

Acharya Shri Pooran Chandra Goswami -9897092115

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